Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An early Easter Dinner

Many of you (if "you", that is, readers, exist) are familiar with the difficulty of feeding children.  In our house, our kids are big fans of processed meats - ham, sausage, any meat product involving preservatives, basically.  Truth is, I don't mind those things either!  Anyway, tonight Louise made a house favorite - a big ol' ham with her famous Pineapple Caserole.  To go with it, I chose a gift from my Dad, a 2008 Wolfgang Gru-Vee Gruner Veltliner from Austria. It was a nice simple wine with hints of lemon, grass, and, strangely, strawberries.  We enjoyed it and would drink it again.  I think, however, that the more traditional ham pairing with a good German Riesling is generally more successful.

Its nice to be back drinking new wines again - we're finally home and all healthy!

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