Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Louise Strikes Again

So, Louise (my wife) has really earned her cooking stripes.  Nearly every night she makes a great dinner for us.  Last night it was Tilapia braised with tomatoes and basil (the boys didn't care for it, but we sure enjoyed it, with the rest of our Centine Bianco).  Tonight it was homemade Chicken Tikka Masala.  With no Indian restaurants near Potsdam, what a treat!  I've had bad luck matching wine with Indian food.  The books usually say to go with something spicy, like Gewurztraminer, to stand up to the flavors - most red wines just get washed out by the Indian spices.  Tonight I thought I'd try a Grenache, thinking the peppery flavors typical of the variety might go nicely - I was surprised in two ways.  First, the Tikka Masala was toned down a little (still plenty of wonderful flavors, just not so much spice) for the sake of our young boys.  Second, the Grenache I chose (Las Rocas 2007) was totally missing those typical peppery notes.  Instead it was a strong and somewhat fruity wine - relatively rich, with nice cherry flavors.  All in all, it went very nicely with the Tikka Masala, and is another great value.  Time to get some more! 

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