Sunday, October 17, 2010

A long time coming...

Its been a long time coming, this blog post.  I've really neglected my duties.  Nonetheless...

I enjoyed two nice wines this weekend, and came home from Binghamton with a case! 

First things first...last night Louise roasted a nice Turkey breast - simple, simple, simple, but great.  In a non-traditional matching, I chose a carbernet-based blend that is my oldest bottle of wine.  It was a 1998 Estancia Meritage.  I first had this wine way back in about 2002 at Louise's boss's Christmas Party.  It was one of the first really good red wines I had ever had, and I fell in love.  At $35 it was out of my price range (that's still about the most I'll spend on a bottle).  Anyway, Louise bought me one bottle as a gift and we've hung onto it ever since.  Now, I knew it was beginning to get "old" and had not always been properly stored (an understatement) so I wasn't expecting much.  On top of that, the cork broke and I had to push it into the bottle.  So, I had to pour the wine through a sieve into a 4 cup measuring cup to "decant" it (anyone looking for gift ideas for me should start and end with a Decanter!).  I have to say that, despite all of this it was excellent.  It was a deep dark red with a luscious feel.  Strong dark berry flavors, but very rich.  A lovely bottle that lived up to my memories. 

Tonight, with Maple-Glazed Salmon, I opened up a budget Pinot Noir from Bogle.  Cheaper Pinot Noirs can often be just plain bad, but this was nice.  Light in color, it had strong fruit flavors - most cherries.  It was light and yummy and just what I needed.  Wine Enthusiast says "not bad for the price," and I agree. 

Now, back to grading....sigh.....

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