Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Special Bottle

Louise has had Thanksgiving on the brain for a while now, and so yesterday, for no good reason, she roasted a whole turkey, and made mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.  It was yummy.  She asked for a bottle of red wine, and in my continuing efforts to clear out bottles that are over-aged, I opened a special bottle for which no special occasion had justified its opening.  So, Thanksgiving in October?  What the hell...

Back in 2003, we were lucky enough to be included in our friends' small wedding at the Michel-Schlumberger winery in the Dry Creek area of Sonoma County.  It was a beautiful and intimate event, and, in addition to the wine we drank that night, we were gifted a bottle of 1999 Syrah.  With these fond memories (and I'm not even going to mention the wedding reception later that year in Las Vegas.  What happens in Vegas...), I opened it up.  It was very tasty with bright ripe fruit flavors (cherries and strawberries in particular), that went very nicely with dinner.  While it was a bit fruitier than I normally prefer, the memories made it spectacular!  Thanks, Mark and Pinata!

1 comment:

  1. My cranberry sauce ROCKED, but you wouldn't know it b/c you didn't even try a taste! Oh well, that leaves more for Erik and me.
